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On the move for a good cause

Endress+Hauser Water Challenge aims to give people around the world better access to clean water

Fecha de publicación: 18.10.2019

“For many people, clean drinking water is a valuable and scarce commodity,” explains Matthias Altendorf, CEO of the Endress+Hauser Group. For decades, the company has supported safe, efficient and environmentally friendly water supply and treatment with its products, solutions and services. “Now we are transferring this commitment to the non-profit sector,” said the CEO. The aim is to give more people access to clean water.

The Endress+Hauser Water Challenge is open to all employees of the company who like to move and at the same time want to do something good for other people. “The shared experience is more important than a quick time,” emphasizes Matthias Altendorf. The routes should always be close to water. The activities can vary – from hiking and cross-country skiing to swimming, everything is possible. The money collected will always be used for a specified water aid project.

Launch in Reinach with 250 participants

At the kick-off of the Endress+Hauser Water Challenge on 10 October 2019 in Reinach, Switzerland, 250 employees ran and walked a total of around 2,300 kilometers. Smaller runs took place on the same day on the fringes of company events in Vienna and Freiburg, Germany. In the end, around 10,000 Swiss francs was collected from the first charity run. Further campaigns at international locations are being planned.

With the money from the Reinach run, a well is to be drilled in the village of Dak Lak in the Vietnamese province of Kon Tum, which will ensure the water supply even in periods of drought. There are also systems and installations planned to treat and store the water. Endress+Hauser employees in Vietnam will make sure that the donation goes entirely to the water aid project.

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