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Michael Ziesemer elected ZVEI president

The Chief Operating Officer of the Endress+Hauser Group chosen to take over top spot at the ZVEI

Fecha de publicación: 25.06.2014

“Assuming the association’s top honorary office will be a wonderful task for me given that this industry is marked by so many innovations,” says Michael Ziesemer. “The ZVEI represents around 10 percent of the German manufacturing industry. Every third innovation from the manufacturing sector has its roots in the electrical and electronics industry. That’s why it plays such a significant role in creating jobs and prosperity in Germany.”

The ZVEI tracks economic, engineering, political and societal developments on behalf of the electrical and electronics industry. Although it includes large companies as members, the association consists primarily of small-to-medium enterprises. “Every industry in Europe has outstanding SMEs that are among the global leaders in their segments,” says Michael Ziesemer. “Far from taking it for granted, this leadership position must be constantly recaptured.”

Radical changes

The energy revolution and the impact of digitalization are two key issues facing the industry over the coming decade. “The energy revolution and the Internet of Things bring radical changes that touch many areas of our daily lives and transform entire business models,” says Michael Ziesemer who adds: “The ZVEI can promote the dialogue and set the processes in motion that will help companies and society best prepare for this transformation.”

In 2013 Nikolaus Krüger, Corporate Director Sales and Marketing at Endress+Hauser, was elected to the ZVEI executive committee that is responsible for the area of Measurement Technology and Process Automation. “We’re proud that two of our executive leaders are in a position to share their know-how with this important German industry association,” says Matthias Altendorf, CEO of the Endress+Hauser Group.

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The ZVEI boasts 1,600 member companies which employ 1.5 million people. The association represents the interests of a highly-technical industry with a product portfolio that covers a wide spectrum. Michael Ziesemer (63) has now been selected to take over the helm of the ZVEI after serving as its vice president for seven years. In his capacity as president, he is tasked with representing the interests of the electrical and electronics industry at the highest levels of business and politics.


    Comunicado de prensa - Michael Ziesemer elegido presidente de ZVEI

    El Director de operaciones del Grupo Endress+Hauser ha sido elegido para ponerse al frente de la Asociación Alemana de Fabricantes de Equipos Eléctricos y Electrónicos (ZVEI)

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