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Raman spectroscopy disposable bio sleeve for bioprocessing

Raman bio sleeve

Maintain sterility and spectral quality while reducing maintenance and cleaning burdens

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27 documentos
    • Información técnica (TI)

    Multi optic calibration and verification kit Technical Information

    • Información técnica (TI)
    Versión en inglés - 06/2023
    New version available in English

    System design and specifications for the multi optic calibration
    and verification kit

    • Información técnica (TI)

    Accessory optics for the Rxn-10 probe Technical Information

    • Información técnica (TI)
    Versión en inglés - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    System design and specifications for Rxn-10 probe optics:
    Raman immersion optics (KIO1),
    non-contact optics (KNCO1), bIO-Optics (KLBIO1),
    bio multi optics (KRBMO), bio sleeves (KRBSL),
    and Raman optic system for single use (KRSU1)

    • Información técnica (TI)

    Rxn-10 Raman spectroscopic probe Technical Information

    • Información técnica (TI)
    Versión en inglés - 11/2024
    New version available in English

    System design and specifications for the Raman Rxn-10 probe

    • Manual de instrucciones (BA)

    Accessory optics for the Rxn-10 probe Operating Instructions

    • Manual de instrucciones (BA)
    Versión en inglés - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    Commissioning, operation, and maintenance details
    for Rxn-10 probe optics: Raman immersion optics (KIO1),
    non-contact optics (KNCO1), bIO-Optics (KLBIO1),
    bio multi optics (KRBMO), bio sleeves (KRBSL)
    and Raman optic system for single use (KRSU1)

    • Manual de instrucciones (BA)

    Multi optic calibration and verification kit Operating Instructions

    • Manual de instrucciones (BA)
    Versión en inglés - 06/2023
    New version available in English

    Commissioning, operation, and maintenance details for the
    multi optic calibration and verification kit

    • Manual de instrucciones (BA)

    Manual de instrucciones de la sonda de espectroscopia Raman Rxn-10

    • Manual de instrucciones (BA)
    Versión en español - 01/2025
    New version available in English

    Detalles de puesta en marcha, manejo y mantenimiento
    de la sonda Raman Rxn-10

    • Instrucciones breves (KA)

    Manual de instrucciones abreviado de la sonda de espectroscopia Raman Rxn-10

    • Instrucciones breves (KA)
    Versión en español - 01/2025
    New version available in English

    Guía de inicio rápido de la sonda Raman Rxn-10

    • Instrucciones breves (KA)

    Manual de instrucciones abreviado de las ópticas accesorias para la sonda Rxn-10

    • Instrucciones breves (KA)
    Versión en español - 12/2024
    New version available in English

    Guía de inicio rápido para las ópticas de la sonda Rxn-10:
    Ópticas de inmersión Raman (KIO1), ópticas sin contacto (KNCO1),
    ópticas bIO-Optic (KLBIO1), ópticas bio multi (KRBMO),
    casquillos bio (KRBSL) y sistema de óptica Raman de un solo uso (KRSU1)

    • PU (publicación)

    Endress+Hauser - your one-source Life Sciences technology partner

    • PU (publicación)
    Versión en inglés - 06/2024
    New version available in English

    Graphic highlighting why Endress+Hauser is trusted by the
    world's top biopharmaceutical manufacturers for its Life
    Sciences expertise and reliable inline, real-time measurement
    technologies like Raman spectroscopy systems (Raman Rxn2,
    Raman Rxn4, Rxn-10, Rxn-45, Rxn-46, bio multi optic and sleeve,
    flow cell and flow bench, Raman optic system for single use) and
    liquid analysis sensor technology (Liquiline CM44P, CM442 and
    OUSAF44, OUSBT66 and Memosens CPS61E, CLS82E, COS81E,

    • PU (publicación)

    Prioritize scalability for an efficient biopharmaceutical product development lifecycle

    • PU (publicación)
    Versión en checo - 09/2024
    New version available in English

    This technical paper studies the importance of scalability as a
    competitive advantage in bioprocessing in the Life Science industry,
    and Endress+Hauser's scalable Raman systems (Raman Rxn2,
    Raman Rxn4, Rxn-10, Rxn-45, Rxn-46, bio multi optic and sleeve,
    flow cell and flow bench, Raman optic system for single use) and
    liquid analysis sensor technology and Liquid Analysis portfolio
    (Liquiline CM44P, CM442 and OUSAF44, OUSBT66 and
    Memosens CPS61E, CLS82E, COS81E, CLS82E).

    • PU (publicación)

    Endress+Hauser - ライフサイエンス技術のワンストップパートナー

    • PU (publicación)
    versión en japonés - 10/2024
    New version available in English

    光システム(Raman Rxn2、Raman Rxn4、Rxn-10、Rxn-45、Rxn-46、
    析センサ技術(Liquiline CM44P、CM442、OUSAF44、OUSBT66、
    Memosens CPS61E、CLS82E、COS81E、CLS82E)などの信頼性の高い

    • PU (publicación)

    Prioritize scalability for an efficient biopharmaceutical product development lifecycle

    • PU (publicación)
    Versión en inglés - 06/2024
    New version available in English

    This technical paper studies the importance of scalability as a
    competitive advantage in bioprocessing in the Life Science industry,
    and Endress+Hauser's scalable Raman systems (Raman Rxn2,
    Raman Rxn4, Rxn-10, Rxn-45, Rxn-46, bio multi optic and sleeve,
    flow cell and flow bench, Raman optic system for single use) and
    liquid analysis sensor technology and Liquid Analysis portfolio
    (Liquiline CM44P, CM442 and OUSAF44, OUSBT66 and
    Memosens CPS61E, CLS82E, COS81E, CLS82E).

    • PU (publicación)


    • PU (publicación)
    versión en japonés - 10/2024
    New version available in English

    のあるラマンシステム(Raman Rxn2、Raman Rxn4、Rxn-10、Rxn-45
    (LiquilineCM44P、CM442、OUSAF44、OUSBT66、Memosens CPS61E、

    • PU (publicación)

    Lab-to-process monitoring & control in Life Sciences - Reliable measurement of bioprocess physical and chemical properties

    • PU (publicación)
    Versión en inglés - 04/2024
    New version available in English

    A combined product list of analysis offerings from both Optical Analysis
    and LIquid Analysis for bioprocessing applications in the life science
    industry (including Raman Rxn2 analyzer, Raman Rxn4 analyzer,
    Rxn-10 probe, bio multi optic and bio sleeve, Raman flow assembly,
    Rxn-45 probe, Rxn-46 probe, Raman optic system for single use,
    Memosens CPS61E, Memosens COS81E, OUSBT66, Memosens CPS61E,
    Memosens CPS77E, Memosens CLS82E, OUSAF44, Memosens CPS11E,
    Memosens CLS16E, TOC Analyzer CA79, Liquiline transmitter platform, and
    Memobase software).

    • PU (publicación)

    Endress+Hauser - your one-source Life Sciences technology partner

    • PU (publicación)
    Versión en checo - 09/2024
    New version available in English

    Graphic highlighting why Endress+Hauser is trusted by the
    world's top biopharmaceutical manufacturers for its Life
    Sciences expertise and reliable inline, real-time measurement
    technologies like Raman spectroscopy systems (Raman Rxn2,
    Raman Rxn4, Rxn-10, Rxn-45, Rxn-46, bio multi optic and sleeve,
    flow cell and flow bench, Raman optic system for single use) and
    liquid analysis sensor technology (Liquiline CM44P, CM442 and
    OUSAF44, OUSBT66 and Memosens CPS61E, CLS82E, COS81E,

    • Catálogo de competencia (CP)

    Raman single-use measurement precision - Real-time composition analysis for biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing with the Raman Rxn portfolio

    • Catálogo de competencia (CP)
    Versión en inglés - 08/2024
    New version available in English

    An eBook highlighting our Raman spectroscopy reusable and
    single-use bioprocessing portfolio (including the Raman Rxn2
    analyzer, Raman Rxn4 analyzer, Rxn-10 probe, Rxn-46 probe,
    Raman single use optic system, bio multi optic, and bio sleeve),
    powered by Kaiser Raman technology.

    • Catálogo de competencia (CP)

    Faster market entry, higher yields, and improved quality - Real-time, inline bioprocess monitoring and control from lab to GMP with Raman Rxn systems & Memosens digital sensors

    • Catálogo de competencia (CP)
    Versión en checo - 09/2024
    New version available in English

    This eBook highlights the Endress+Hauser inline analysis portfolio
    for bioprocessing including Raman spectroscopy systems
    (Raman Rxn2, Raman Rxn4, Rxn-10, Rxn-45, Rxn-46, bio multi optic
    and sleeve, flow cell and flow bench, Raman optic system for single use)
    and liquid analysis sensor technology (Liquiline CM44P, CM442 and
    OUSAF44, OUSBT66 and Memosens CPS61E, CLS82E, COS81E, CLS82E)
    in the Life Science industry.

    • Catálogo de competencia (CP)

    Faster market entry, higher yields, and improved quality - Real-time, inline bioprocess monitoring and control from lab to GMP with Raman Rxn systems & Memosens digital sensors

    • Catálogo de competencia (CP)
    Versión en inglés - 06/2024
    New version available in English

    This eBook highlights the Endress+Hauser inline analysis portfolio
    for bioprocessing including Raman spectroscopy systems
    (Raman Rxn2, Raman Rxn4, Rxn-10, Rxn-45, Rxn-46, bio multi optic
    and sleeve, flow cell and flow bench, Raman optic system for single use)
    and liquid analysis sensor technology (Liquiline CM44P, CM442 and
    OUSAF44, OUSBT66 and Memosens CPS61E, CLS82E, COS81E, CLS82E)
    in the Life Science industry.

    • Catálogo de competencia (CP)

    市場投入の加速、歩留まりの増加、品質の向上 Raman RxnシステムとMemosensデジタルセンサによる、ラボからGMP までのリアルタイムでのインラインバイオプロセス監視と制御

    • Catálogo de competencia (CP)
    versión en japonés - 12/2024
    New version available in English

    この eBook では、ライフサイエンス業界におけるラマン分光シス
    テム (Raman Rxn2、Raman Rxn4、Rxn-10、Rxn-45、Rxn-46、バイオ
    チ、シングルユース向けラマンオプティックシステム) や水質分析
    センサ技術 (Liquiline CM44P、CM442、OUSAF44、OUSBT66、
    Memosens CPS61E、CLS82E、COS81E、CLS82E) を含む、バイオプロ
    セス向けの Endress+Hauser インライン分析製品ラインナップを紹

    • Innovación (IN)

    バイオプロセスにおけるラマン技術 - 拡張性のあるin situバイオプロセス監視と高度なプロセス制御

    • Innovación (IN)
    versión en japonés - 08/2024
    New version available in English
