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Endress+Hauser strengthens its position in Portugal

Sales center increases customer proximity with new building

Fecha de publicación: 23.04.2018

Endress+Hauser acquired a two-story building in Palmela and extensively modernized it. The new facilities offer a total floor space of 820 square meters. The building was enhanced with modern meeting rooms and a new auditorium, including an exhibit reflecting Endress+Hauser’s comprehensive offering. A new annex houses a calibration center and a warehouse. Customers will also benefit from the transparency provided through full integration into the Group’s enterprise software network.

The new building was dedicated on 20 April 2018 in the presence of numerous guests and customers. “We have operated successfully in Portugal for almost two decades. The investment in new facilities demonstrates our ongoing commitment and belief in the Portuguese market,” said Corporate Sales Director John Salusbury. Also in attendance were Klaus Endress, President of the Supervisory Board, and Matthias Altendorf, CEO of the Endress+Hauser Group.

The 19 employees at Endress+Hauser Portugal, who possess comprehensive expertise in measurement and automation technology, provide sales and support to customers across the country. The key industries are food & beverage, chemical and water & wastewater, in addition to the growing life sciences sector. “We have recently gotten closer to our customers, expanded our service offerings and reorganized the team corresponding to skills and knowledge,” explained Managing Director Paulo Loureiro.

The realignment has been positively received by the market. Endress+Hauser Portugal has enjoyed a 40 percent increase in sales over the past five years. “We want to take this momentum into the future,” underlines Paulo Loureiro. “The new facilities will allow us to improve customer support for all industries, thus providing a basis for the continuation of our growth strategy.”


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