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Picomag – the smart plug-and-play flowmeter for utilities

Electromagnetic flow measurement in a pocket-sized format

Fecha de publicación: 31.01.2018

In industrial process measurement, demand is steadily rising for simple, reliable and maintenance-free instruments in a pocket-sized format. The new Picomag fulfills such requirements, making no compromise. Not only does it measure the flow of conductive fluids, but also their temperature and conductivity. Picomag offers easy commissioning with Bluetooth using its SmartBlue App, as well as seamless system integration thanks to IO-Link technology. This makes Picomag ready for Industry 4.0.


  • Reliable measuring and monitoring of industrial water, cooling water or warm water. Picomag requires no inlet and outlet runs and thus can be mounted directly before or after a pipe bend.

  • Simultaneous measurement of flow, temperature and conductivity

  • Time-saving device configuration even in difficult to reach places thanks to Bluetooth connectivity

  • Wireless and secure access to all device data by use of the intuitive SmartBlue App via Bluetooth

  • Flexible integration into all established fieldbus systems via IO-Link

  • User-friendly, auto-rotatable display, i.e. with automatic adjustment to mounting position

Due to its compact design, Picomag can be installed into any pipe up to 50 millimeters (2") in diameter, even in confined spaces. There are various process connections available, such as NPT-thread, R-thread, internal thread, Tri-Clamp or Victaulic. Picomag is a cost-optimized solution for applications where the focus is on high repeatability (±0.2% o.f.s.) and thus reliable measured values – e.g. for correctly measuring water flows or for minimizing energy costs in utility applications.

Clear display with diagnostics field

The large, user-friendly display allows a quick reading of flow, temperature and totalizer values. Errors occurring during operations, e.g. a partial pipe filling or an exceeded temperature limit, are displayed via diagnostic symbols in accordance with NAMUR recommendation NE107. For optimal readability, the screen rotates automatically depending on the installation position. And last but not least, configuration parameters can be called up and monitored by simply knocking on the device.

Wireless configuration and commissioning via Bluetooth

With Bluetooth connection, it is possible to carry out wireless configuration or data retrieval over a distance of 10 meters – even at installation sites which are difficult to access. The free-of-charge SmartBlue App from Endress+Hauser provides the user with quick and easy navigation through all device and diagnostic functions. The SmartBlue App is available for Android and iOS.

Optimal system integration with IO-Link technology

Another highlight is the digital data transmission to process control systems via IO-Link technology. This communication standard can be combined with all conventional fieldbus systems, thus offering maximum flexibility of installation into existing infrastructures. The IO-Link master allows comprehensive data access through the control room. Other advantages include the automatic transfer of parameters after a device replacement as well as low wiring effort as compared to conventional wiring.


    Picomag – eBook

    Pruebe este caudalímetro electromagnético plug-and-play en sus instalaciones y acceda fácilmente a las herramientas relacionadas, como la aplicación SmartBlue App, vídeos y catálogos.

    Picomag – Folleto Novedades

    Medidor de caudal de dimensiones reducidas. Para una medición fiable de líquidos conductivos en servicios auxiliares.

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